Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love, Life, Marriage.. (and toads)

Love and Hate are SO close to Equal in emotion that they can be interchangeable but. I guess when you hear someone say that "there is no love without Murder" I can see their meaning.

 Love is SO hard to come by but also hard to deal with. you just can't be too selfish in a relationship. There are two parts to it for a reason.

I LOVE my baby and my boyfriend/fiancee` and I can't wait to finally get married to him! We are the longest engaged couple that i have ever known. All of my other friends are getting married or all ready married.

I have been with my beau since July 2010 living with him since September 19 2010 ( my 18 b-Day). And I want to finalize our relations but i still debate with myself over whether its worth it. To me I guess we are already married heart to heart. But it will make me happy to put it in stone.

Before It happens though, I would rather like to fall in love with him again. We have been an old grouchy kid watching couple too long. We need to be romantic again! Can I teach him to be? Can I be?!!?

I can't wait to get married!! I want to have what every one around me has. My baby and my boyfriend are the loves of my life. And I want to see this relationship put in stone or government paper or whatever it takes!

I want us to get along, and stop grouching, and start going on walks like when we fell in love.

I knew He was the man for me when he gave me a toad for the first time.

It was an anxious night in Arkansas when you could see every winking star and the wind was sweeping past and nothing bad was with it. We were walking along and talking the night away. I remember being a little put off and moon eyed, and I kept talking about how I really wanted to see a toad.

We happened to be near his apartment at a school Park. He had to go to the restroom and so he left me there gazing up at Orion and looking for the pleiades and wondering if we would ever be a couple. Next thing I know he is standing over me and he tells me to hold out me hands. Of course immediately I'm suspicious. I have older brothers, I know what that means.

To my very delightful surprise he handed me a toad!

And Oh! What a Toad!!

It was gold and black and dirt brown with green spots and the texture was just bumpy and course. As toads are expected to be. I hugged that boy so hard I think he thought I would never let go. I'm pretty sure I kissed him too.

He never even went to pee. The toad he said was on his way and he thought that it might not be there when he got out so he grabbed it instead.

It was the sweetest most bazaar nights of my life.

You see I don't really like toads. I mean they're toads. They're not bad, but they aren't a dog or anything. I just was wishing that if I could find a realistic thing and hold it as a sign that the person I was with had a chance of being "The One". Then yeah, sure a toad.

Toads are not gruesome creatures, they are rather magnificent and they hold certain properties that many people of the non- magic/medicinal world wouldn't understand. I mean common!! Trevor was an awesome friend to Neville in Harry Potter.


Love is a wondrous adventure. As well as scary and cruel. I also believe that Marriage is a thing between people not the government or Religious factions.

If a man and a man want to go through the outrageous-ness that is marriage, then so be it. Personally i think couples of gay nature have the longest standing Relationship statistics ever. some wait ten twenty years before they move to get married. mainly because of the laws of the stupid USA but I feel that they have to have some kind of saint like statures because I doubt I can live with my man for ten plus years and not have to be with him

Ugh I'm such a romantic!! ♥

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

LOVE, Christians, and Demoralizing dollars

♪♫Love Love Love./ I want your Love!! ♪♫
Lady Gaga -is awesome.

I am constantly astounded by the stupidity of those around me. Especially people on Face Book. My family and friends are constantly posting things that I find mundane or ridikulus (HP pun intended). Namely the posts on Homophobic bigots and god fearing idiots.

I am not bashing Christians sadly, but I am Commenting on how some people, who feel they are the One true Religion, don't even try to learn the real history of their God.

A person posted a picture of a U.S. Dollar bill with a Red stamp on it under the 'In god We Trust', saying 'No God But ALLAH'.

Well, OMG 'It says No God But God'!!

In Arabic, 'Allah' translates into 'God'. My Problem is that 7,000 people commented on how they would rather burn that dollar then use it as currency. Many sported the idea that the stamp alone was defacing government property. Which it isn't. Only if the markings where covering the bill in an inappropriate way, such as the numbers in the corner or the face on the front. Also the ink was RED not Black. So no I don't think the bill was at all defaced.

Another argument was that Allah had no association with the Christian Bible's God. Allah was not the Father of Jesus therefore he was not their God. Allah was Dead many said, and I just don't get it.

Allah is the closest thing they had to the origins of their God (yes I say 'their God' as I am not Christian though I have tried to be), God and his Religion with Jesus started back in Israel which is not by any means that far from India or the Muslims. I feel that many of the people in the United states of America are Idiots. They are afraid of change but that is why they settled in America in the first place, well that and their greed for gold.

God Hates Fags, God Hates War, God Hates Muslims, God Hates Blacks, God Hates Sinners, God Hates Adulterers, God Hates Politics, God Hates- everything that the person with the sign thinks. God is not a Hater if you want to follow the Bible, not the King James version of a hoax, But He LOVES all people and created them the same. In His Image.

LOVE is a Powerful Thing. I love LOVE! It makes everything better. Dumbledore is an awesome person and this is the quote that makes him an even wise wizard.

“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”
It is true. I think by the time people stop hating then the world will be a better place, that is if it hasn't been destroyed by then.
And thus I will end this rant with another quote from an awesomer movie, "Love? Above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love" ♪♪♫♫
Moulin Rouge quote ~Christian
Have fun, Be safe, and Above All else Love!!
♥ )O( ♥