Wednesday, May 16, 2012

LOVE, Christians, and Demoralizing dollars

♪♫Love Love Love./ I want your Love!! ♪♫
Lady Gaga -is awesome.

I am constantly astounded by the stupidity of those around me. Especially people on Face Book. My family and friends are constantly posting things that I find mundane or ridikulus (HP pun intended). Namely the posts on Homophobic bigots and god fearing idiots.

I am not bashing Christians sadly, but I am Commenting on how some people, who feel they are the One true Religion, don't even try to learn the real history of their God.

A person posted a picture of a U.S. Dollar bill with a Red stamp on it under the 'In god We Trust', saying 'No God But ALLAH'.

Well, OMG 'It says No God But God'!!

In Arabic, 'Allah' translates into 'God'. My Problem is that 7,000 people commented on how they would rather burn that dollar then use it as currency. Many sported the idea that the stamp alone was defacing government property. Which it isn't. Only if the markings where covering the bill in an inappropriate way, such as the numbers in the corner or the face on the front. Also the ink was RED not Black. So no I don't think the bill was at all defaced.

Another argument was that Allah had no association with the Christian Bible's God. Allah was not the Father of Jesus therefore he was not their God. Allah was Dead many said, and I just don't get it.

Allah is the closest thing they had to the origins of their God (yes I say 'their God' as I am not Christian though I have tried to be), God and his Religion with Jesus started back in Israel which is not by any means that far from India or the Muslims. I feel that many of the people in the United states of America are Idiots. They are afraid of change but that is why they settled in America in the first place, well that and their greed for gold.

God Hates Fags, God Hates War, God Hates Muslims, God Hates Blacks, God Hates Sinners, God Hates Adulterers, God Hates Politics, God Hates- everything that the person with the sign thinks. God is not a Hater if you want to follow the Bible, not the King James version of a hoax, But He LOVES all people and created them the same. In His Image.

LOVE is a Powerful Thing. I love LOVE! It makes everything better. Dumbledore is an awesome person and this is the quote that makes him an even wise wizard.

“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”
It is true. I think by the time people stop hating then the world will be a better place, that is if it hasn't been destroyed by then.
And thus I will end this rant with another quote from an awesomer movie, "Love? Above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love" ♪♪♫♫
Moulin Rouge quote ~Christian
Have fun, Be safe, and Above All else Love!!
♥ )O( ♥

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